Killpecker Dunes - Wyoming - USA

Killpecker Dunes Killpecker Dunes Killpecker Dunes
Killpecker Dunes Killpecker Dunes Killpecker Dunes

NEAREST CITY = Rock Springs

Welcome to the Greater Sand Dunes Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). ACECs are areas within the public lands where special management attention is required to protect and prevent irreparable damage to important resources. Important resources in this area include wildlife, cultural, scenic, and wilderness. The Greater Sand Dunes ACEC is part of the larger Killpecker Sand Dunes.

The western portion of the ACEC includes the Sand Dunes and Buffalo Hump Wilderness Study Areas (WSA). These are areas of land that have potential for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System. No motor vehicle traffic is allowed in the WSAs.

The Steamboat Mountain area is crucial birthing habitat for deer and elk. This area is closed to motor vehicles from May 1st through June 30th to protect this habitat.

Access to the area is by the Tri-territory Road (County Road 4-17), which leaves U. S. Highway 191 approximately 12 miles north of Rock Springs.

Wilderness Study Areas The BLM is required by law to maintain the natural character of WSAs. Recreational activities like hiking, hunting, and horseback riding are allowed while those that involve the use of motorized vehicles o

For more information visit the links below:

Wyoming Tourism
Wyoming Aero Photo
Wyoming BLM